2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is it bad to take an AP class but not the exam?

How often do people take the AP class but not the exam and also will that affect your admissions chances? Thanks!


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi! So from what I know, it won't affect your admissions if you take the class but not the exam. I've also heard that bad scores don't affect admissions either (it's about the rigor of the course). AP exams are meant for college credit!

Just be aware that some schools charge a fee if you don't show up (my high school)! This incentive meant that a lot of people showed up but there were still a few that dipped. If we had to pay to take the exam and were not confident in passing, I think a lot more would've been absent!

TLDR; AP exams don't affect admissions. Take it if you're incentivized to, don't if it's out of your pocket and you're not confident.

2 years ago

I know for AP courses that you need to take the exam for college credits or if you are able to pay for the credits without taking the exams (that’s what my school offers). If you believe you will do well in the AP course then take it and do you absolute best. If you don’t think you will do well, then i suggest skip on that AP class. For colleges though, they know AP courses are harder and they weight your gpa. so getting a C in an AP course is easier to look at than a C in a regular course. I know if you are able to buy the credits, there are grants for it (for my school at least). Best of luck and I wish you well!

2 years ago

taking AP classes in general and getting good grades in them is great for resumes! it makes you stand out and highlight your intelligence. The AP test can be useful if you're good at the subject and don't want to take the college course. However, if you don't have the money/don't want to take the exam, thats fine; the class is still extremely useful! Not taking it shouldn't affect admissions chances, taking the course itself is what they're looking for.

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