2 years ago
Admissions Advice

4 year-plan

Hi! I will be a 9th grader this fall and would like to get a “leg up”, if you will. I haven’t taken any high-school courses but I might over the summer. (Also this summer I am learning Java and improving my Spanish.) I’m very, VERY nervous about the fact that I stupidly didn’t take the Alg 1 course or any high school courses that were offered to the 8th graders. I just want to get into a good school but I’m overwhelmed with the countless resources that offer foolproof advice. HELP PLEZ.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi! I think that the fact that you are already starting to prepare for college before high school is incredible and you should be extremely proud of yourself.

Now, when it comes to getting a "leg up," I can share some advice that was offered to me but I regrettably didn't listen to until it seemed like it was too late. With classes figure out what you struggle with and target your struggles during the summer and/or weekends. If I know I struggle with Geometry then I will try to use things like Khan,IXL,Library textbooks, etc. and ACTIVELY study them in order to feel like you're retaining the information instead of just seeing it. I would recc the youtuber "Studyquill" since she really helped me get through my high school and feel pretty prepared.

Now if you want help preparing for something like a standardized test (SAT/ACT) in your freshman year so you're not too worried about it junior year then I would suggest taking the test a few time throughout your high school life to get used to it and get over any test anxiety. Plus it would also give you some insight on what's on it. You could take free full test from Khan or College board or actually take the test. Sometimes your school might give you a test voucher if you ask.

Idk if there's any spelling errors in here but uh yeah. Good luck with high school, it's gonna be a blast! Also please don't drown yourself into studying. High school is more enjoyable with friends and whatnot :)

2 years ago

I was in a similar position to you two years ago. I had taken Algebra 1, but I had not done much else, only had two consistent ECs, and had no clue what I even wanted to do for college. I felt like I was drowning in information, it was hard to keep my head on straight, and the thought of college made me feel physically ill. This year, I was accepted into a great selective high school, I participate in multiple ECs, and am on a great track for college, so I am going to break down everything I did so maybe you don't have to feel so overwhelmed. First, take a big breath, everything is fine, you are a freshman, and you have plenty of time. Second, let's look at something together. Where are you trying to go? Make a list of your top colleges, your chances at getting in don't matter, just make the list. Now, choose one of those as your goal. This goal can change, but just make an imaginary finish line for yourself. Then, look at the extracurriculars available to you and talk to your counselor at school about maybe taking two classes in the same year. For example, at most schools, you can take Algebra 1 for the first semester and Algebra 2 for the second semester. Talk to your counselor about your options and choose the workload you think you can handle. A good GPA with moderately difficult classes freshman year looks good to colleges. Getting good grades freshman year will set you up for the rest of high school. When you get to school, do 4-6 clubs freshman year. Find what you like. Volunteer often with different places until you find one you like. Narrow your interests as you become an upperclassman, the most clubs you should ever have is 9 or 10 a year, ideally as a sophomore. Find a mentor or an advisor, work your hardest, and focus on yourself, not what others are doing. No matter what you do, keep working, keep your dream school as your finish line, and work to get closer to it. It's like a board game. Every A you get in a class, move ahead to spaces, failed a final, move back a space. In order to finish the game, you have to keep playing. Don't give up.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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