2 years ago
Admissions Advice

summer activies and senior ecs

hi, im a rising senior and I’m thinking of applying ED to Duke and also considering applying to other schools like Wakeforest, Vanderbilt, Howard, etc.

My chances so far are (updated, they dropped)

- 18% Duke

- 31% Vanderbilt (it changes sometimes

- 60% Wakeforest

- 92% howard

- 93% USF

I have a 33 on act (35 reading + English, 30 sci, 31 math) but I’m retaking it next week to get a 34+. I have a 4.3 WGPA and 4.0 uW (my old school didn’t offer honors classes)

My ecs are:

- Staff writer for mental health discussion website; senior year

- Volunteering as academic Coach on UPchieve for low income students in reading and essay writing (have 20+ hours so far, 100+ by the time I graduation); junior and senior year

- Kumon Instructor for English and Math subjects (paid job, 2+ years); freshman-junior year

- volunteering at local library (20 hours); junior year

- hopefully getting a job at Barnes and nobles this summer or volunteering some more at the library; senior year

this summer I plan on taking Intro to Psychology and maybe Calc 1? Idk yet, and senior year I’m taking AP literature, Honors Anatomy, AP art history (maybe), and AP stats. I want to major in cog science or psychology.

What else can I do to make my ecs more competitive? It’s a bit too late for summer camps and stuff. I might join a writing club next year. I haven’t done much besides volunteer Bc of covid

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

To start, your stats look pretty good. You have the work experience, the test scores, and the grades. If you are looking for ECs and you are aiming for top colleges, you need to set yourself aside from the rest of the bunch. Many kids apply with perfect test scores, perfect GPA, lots of work experience, and volunteer hours and still do not get in. You need to start a passion project to set yourself apart. Take an activity you like, and make a club, a non-profit, a blog, a business, anything that is unique and different and new. Looking at your resume, I think that your work with kids and your test scores in English makes you a great candidate to start a children's writing club, getting you the volunteer hours you need and the passion project you require.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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