2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is applying for lots of smaller scholarships have more pay out than applying for one or two larger ones?

Hello, I'm a rising senior in South Carolina :). My grades and such are good, but my main concern is being able to pay for college. I have been doing my due diligence when it comes to research since my sophmore year, but finding scholarships has been taking up the largest chunk of that time. Back to the question: is it actually effective to apply for lots of smaller scholarships? My first thought is yes because they would be less competititve, but again, I would really like a second opinion.

thanks so much for reading if you did :) best of luck on your search everyone !!

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I think that it depends on the scholarship. Some of those smaller scholarships have low competition and would be much easier to win, and small amounts of money can add up. But if you are good at writing essays, art, or whatever else a scholarship is asking for, you might have higher chances at some of the larger scholarships, which would be more worth your time. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

honestly any amount matters! i would apply for as many as possible, because even 1,000 dollars can contribute to textbooks, etc. especially because you aren't guaranteed to win a huge scholarship, smaller ones can make up for that :)

2 years ago

Hey! As also a rising senior, that question pops up in my head a lot to. I have been researching everything since freshman year and still am today. I am applying for scholarships that come from the college itself, ($20,000- 30,000). However, I am also applying for smaller ones such as $1,000 - 10,000. It helps bc if i don't get the big one , then i have these to back me up. They also help bc if i do get a big scholarship, then i also save extra money from the smaller scholarships. I would apply for the big scholarships around the end of August 2022 and then apply for smaller scholarships throughout senior year. This is what I'm doing and I'm in the same situation as you, I hope you have a good rest of junior year and have an amazing Senior Year! I hope you get into the college you want! Good Luck!

2 years ago

It really depends. There isn't really a straight answer because there are a wide variety of scholarships. So while smaller scholarships might have fewer contestants they might have criteria that are difficult to match. I would suggest finding scholarships that seem like they fit your profile the most. Also, try to apply for as many scholarships as possible. Sometimes you just won't get the one you need and so you have to have backups. We're in this together, good luck!

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