What kind of awards can we add to the section of honors. Please tell me yours if possible
Examples of awards or honors:
Horatio Alger Merit Scholarship either at the State level $10,000 or National Level between $2,500 $25,000 is an award.
National Merit Scholar would be an award so if you are either a commended scholar, semi-finalist, or finalist.
AP Scholar of Distinction is an award as well
US Presidential Scholar - either semi-finalist or finalist is an award.
Questbridge College Prep Scholar is an Award
Questbridge Match Scholar is an Award
Gates Scholarship is an award
Coca Cola Scholarship is an award
Jack Kent Cooke Scholar is an award.
Hamilton Scholars is an award
Also if you win a spot at a top summer program based on merit like MIT, you can put that down either as an activity or an award.
If you have plenty of meaningful awards already, I wouldn't use the space for NHS because that can be an activity as well if you hold a leadership position.
Good luck.
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