2 years ago
Admissions Advice


Hi guys, my name is Jamshed and I am from Tajikistan

I has some questions

1.This year I won 1st place on Republican olympiad of English, so wanted to understand what kind of impact would it have on my application if I open I club in my school to prepare other 8,9 graders for olympiad? It is national contest which means if you get the 1st place your are the best in whole the country from that subject.

2. Does organizing an event which prolongs for a day or 2 is a great extracurriculars for example, organizing a Tedx event or event regarding ecology?

3. I am taking College prep classes for US universities. So I have got fundemenatal knowledge about it. So would it be effective to run one month club where I teach others what is needed for US because a lot of people told me that it would be ineffective since there are already many websites on internet that shows and teaches the requirment.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Starting a club to prepare others for the olympiad would be a good extracurricular. It would demonstrate leadership on a national level as well as an intellectual passion for math. I would put this in your activities list, and put any 1st-3rd place awards that a team you mentored gets in the Awards section.

Organizing a multi-day event is another solid extracurricular. You will want to make sure that it relates to a major or career interest that you have. The more people you can draw, the better. Ideally, your event could also serve the community in some way, whether that be through raising awareness of a cause or raising donations to charity.

I think that it would be more worthwhile to do another extracurricular instead of the college prep club. It will be difficult to comprehensively advise others on the process until you have gained admission to a US university yourself. A club that tutors students who are struggling would be better.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago[edited]

1. What is the Republican Olympiad of English? Never heard of that. You must live in another country? Explain what this contest is and how many students participated and what you had to do to win it please. Thanks

2. Does your country have TedX events? What's your question? What are you trying to organize for 1 or 2 days? And who will fund it and host the event?

3. What do you mean by "college prep classes for US universities"? Do you mean studying for APs or IBs and SAT or ACT tests? Or something else?

So what country do you live in and what grade are you in? When will you be applying to college?

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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