So I've read that having a "spike" of extracurriculars around your planned major is a helpful thing, but my spike is definitely not around my major. I plan on majoring in bioengineering or biochemistry, but my spike is in music.
It's a good spike- I play piano more casually, and flute more competitively. I've marched flute since 8th grade, went to the state solo contest for flute, and have been in the top band at my school. I'm auditioning for all-state band next year and I am in a national audition-only marching band.
My other extras are president of the GSA (LGBTQ+ student group), involved in Student Equity Team, captain of the competitive winterguard team, and I have a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo.
But I don't have much in the way of scientific extracurriculars. I'm going to NSLC in the summer for biotechnology, but that's it, and I don't exactly have time to add much more without dropping something else I love.
Is this going to hurt my chances?
I would say that you should add one more activity to your list related to bioengineering or biochemistry. It could be an independent hobby without a large commitment or impact, and it would still accomplish the goal of demonstrating your spike. Examples that could work include starting a blog or making bioluminescent lamps for your community using bacteria.
You can also demonstrate your passion for science in your essays. Tell the story of how and why you are interested in biotech/biochem, and explain what you want to do with that passion in the future. Hope this helps!
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