So six years ago in 6th grade I had lunch detention for giving test answers to someone. I'm in 11th grade now. how badly would this hurt my chances at the Ivy League? Thanks!
Most people will say that's 5 years ago so it doesn't matter. However, if you want to be 100% informed, I would have your parent ask your HS counselor what the official policy is for revealing past acts of misconduct. I know that many private schools, do not volunteer this information, however, if the admissions officer/college representative specifically asks for an accounting of any previous grievances or disciplinary actions taken against a student, then they fully cooperate and share the entire file.
It's not a completely responsible answer for anyone to say that "is water under the bridge", it really depends on what your school policy is and what is actually in your current file. You don't want to have any surprises.
I do not think either the Common App or Coalition App asks a disciplinary question anymore. However, some private colleges that do not use the Common or Coalition app might ask this kind of question.
Good luck
A lunch detention, let alone something so minuscule, wouldn't go on your permanent record. Ergo, it is practically impossible for any Ivies to be aware of a middle school mistake without being directly informed.
However, if you're really worried, I'd email your counselor and ask about transfer/recording of misdemeanors. After all, it really comes down to the school.
pretty sure they only care about cases of academic dishonesty from 9th grade onwards, dont worry
Don't worry, I highly doubt that something you did in the 6th Grade is going to impact your chances of getting into a top10 college! Chances are, they won't even see it!
My friend,
I have had lunch detention as well in middle school and last time I checked they look as far back as freshman year, if not sophomore.
Good luck tho, :)
I highly doubt that the colleges you want to apply to would know about something from so long ago unless you brought it to their attention first. I would not worry about it affecting your chances of getting into those schools.
The past is in the past, it's 6th grade. Ivies would not care about a disciplinary violation before high school, in fact, they would not even know. If it is not on your transcript, then you should be fine.
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@CameronBameron Hi! I was just wondering what the difference between a student's file and a student's official/permanent record was. Thanks!