2 years ago
Admissions Advice

If my UWGPA shows a upwards trend, even if my UWGPA average is a low 3.85 will ivy leagues accept me?

I got an average of a 3.85 in freshman year, if I hypothetically get a 4.0 uwgpa and a high wgpa in every other year for all quarters(for sophomore, junior, and senior) year, will ivy league colleges be more likely to accept me because of an upward curve

My course rigor by the end of highschool is expected to be 8 AP classes, 9 honors classes, and 6 dual enrolled classes.

I already am working on extracurriculars and have a few good ideas that i am planning on implementing.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I think that you first must understand that having a solid GPA and SAT/ACT scores are only the foundation for getting into these schools. While 3.85 may leave a lot to be desired, it's only your freshman year, and your sophomore and junior years will matter a lot more to colleges. Keep working hard on your GPA to get it as high as possible, and take challenging classes to boost your weighted GPA. You have a very good start in that matter. Practice SAT/ACT problems in your spare time and get those up.

The thing about Ivies is that they're now so competitive that all the applicants will be as strong as you are academically. That means you will need to branch out and do meaningful extracurriculars that show passion and commitment. I see that you have already started that initiative. That's a great start; now follow through and carry those plans into action. Maintain good relationships with teachers you will have in the future so that they can write a glowing letter of recommendation. And, when you're in junior year, think about ideas to write essays on. These are the many ways to set you apart from the crowd.

Even with that said, I cannot guarantee any Ivy League acceptance. My best bet for you strategically would be as follows: Do your research on all the Ivy and elite schools and find exactly one that you would be fine to early decision to. Make sure that you really want to go there, because you will not have a chance to change your final college deision. If that does not work, have a backup, and apply to the other schools during regular decision, but make sure that your essays are still of the best quality. You don't want to decline in quality even though you may not be as interested in some of the other schools; the admisisons officers can read through that.

Getting to college is a long road, and wherever it does take you, just remember that where you go to college doesn't determine your future, and it's attitude and mindset that matters most. Good luck.

2 years ago

Hi @joker, I hope to clarify a few wrong assumptions you have about UWGPA and Ivys. First of all, there is no UWGPA below say a 3.5 that excludes puts you in a high risk category for being rejected. Whether you get accepted into an Ivy depends on a very complicated scoring rubric that covers sometimes over 100, sometimes 200 data points.

Some things that are not properly addressed on any college blog/vlog/portal are the following:

-Private Vs. Public HS. If you attend an elite college prep school (either boarding or day), many of these schools have a huge advantage over those attending public high school. The advantage can be as large as a factor of 25 times. I attended 2 HSs. The 1st public school I attended had a 1.3% matriculation rate for Ivys. My 2nd Private boarding school had a 22% matriculation rate and a 30% admissions rate into the Ivys.

-ALDC vs non-ALDC. If you are a recruited athlete, legacy, developement candiates ($$$$ donor parents), or fac-brat (child of college employee), you have a huge advantage over non ALDCs. Sometimes this bump is 50%. I know that my private school there were many recruited athletes and legacies that were admitted into Ivys with UWGPAs less than 90 on a a 100 point scale, and less than 1400 SAT, and 30 ACT. These were mostly White students, not brown or BIPOC students or Asian students.

-BIPOC/Low Income/Marginalized vs over-represented demographic. If you are a black, LatinA, indigenous and/or come from a low income, first gen, or marginalized background, then the barrier for entry is set at a lower bar for your to cross into the IVYs. There are countless youtube videos that forensically prove this point. Sometimes these students can gain admittance with lower GPAs, lower test scores or no test scores and lack of course rigor. Why is this? Its the Ivys way of creating a level playing field for those who didn't have the benefit of living a great zip code with great schools and teachers and resources. Or rewarding kids who had to overcome various hardships that show immense drive and potential to succeed.

That being said, if you are not a beneficiary of any of these categories, then you have to work incredibly hard for the next 3 years to make the cut. Why? Because on average Ivys reject 95% of their applicants across the board. Harvard rejects 97% and Cornell 93%. These are still incredible probabilities to overcome.

All Ivys use an academic scoring card rating from 1-5 or 1-6. Harvard uses a 1-6 with 1 being the best and I think Dartmouth uses a 1-5 with 5 being the best. Each school will evaluate your UWGPA, WGPA, course rigors, AP or IB test scores, SAT/ACT scores, additional coursework like college classes, and something called Intellectual Vitality or Intellectual curiosity rating. So you will be evaluated against your peers from your zip code/school district first, and then as you application moves upstream to a regional decision, you will be evaluated against students in your state, and then by region before your application gets to committee where it is upvoted, deferred/waitlisted, or rejected. Sometimes your application is read by 1 reader, sometimes 2 readers before it goes to committee.

Regardless of your goal to attend an Ivy, make a practical list of other non-Ivy colleges to apply to as well. As you know these days even colleges that were 2nd or 3rd drawer colleges a few cycles ago are now having sub 10% admit rates. For instance Tulane and NorthEastern. Why are these schools 7% admit rates when better schools like NYU, USC and Emory (avg) are 12%.

Remember that many admits to Ivys have perfect grades and over 50% of those with perfect grades still get rejected, so having an upward trend sometimes is not a compelling enough of an argument if someone has out performed you from the same demographic.

Good luck.

2 years ago

A 3.85 gpa will be just fine for ivy leagues to accept you in terms of uw gpa. However, you can't hypothetically get a 4.0 uw gpa once you go below it. But an upward trend is great but don't put too much hope on it to make a huge impact during admissions review.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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