2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Advice on how to improve my college application

Hey guys,

I am going into my senior year of high school and go to pretty good high school in Illinois. My goal is to go to university of Michigan for a major in political science and minor in English. I feel as if I’m just average for U-M applicants and want to separate myself to seem above average. Any advice would be appreciated.

For my academics:

-I’ve gotten all As so far, my lowest grades were 2 A- during first semester freshman year.

-My wGPA is a 4.886/5.3 and uwGPA is a 4.15/4.3. And I think this means I’ll have a 4.0/4 GPA for admission process.

- During I junior year I received only 3 As and the rest A+s so my junior year wGPA was a 5.08.

-I have a 1450 on my SAT (710 math, 740 English)

-By the time I complete high school I will of completed 10 AP clases, 9 honors, and 1 Dual credit program with my local community college.

-I’ve gotten a 5 on both APUSH and AP human Geo

-I’m waiting on my AP Gov, Ap Macro, AP lang, and Ap Spanish lang scores .and next year I’m taking AP physics C, Ap Calc BC, and Ap Psych.

-I’ve also already received my Seal of biliteracy from the STAMP test.

For my E.C:

-I’m in Spanish honor society


-Math honor society

-science honor society

-Joyful gifts club( we make gifts and do things for local children hospitals)

- I’ve been on varsity dive since freshman year and my swim and dive team has won sectionals 2 times.

- I have 51 service hours, I hope to have around 70-80 before I apply to college.

-I’ve worked at my dads restaurant for 2 years and during the peak of the pandemic I volunteered there, I didn’t get hours for it but I also didn’t get paid, helping pack and deliver free meals for my community. And I may write my college essay about this because I saw how hard hit my community was and how much a simple, free meal could change someone’s day and put a smile on their face.

Additionally- CV says I have a 49% chance of getting into U-M.

Again thanks for reading this and any advice would help.

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

You are doing well academically for UMich and your essay topic idea has a lot of potential. I think that the main area you should improve is your extracurriculars. You have good activities on there that demonstrate service, academic passions, and athletic ability. They make you well-rounded, but they are also fairly common activities. It would boost your profile to have a few extracurriculars on your list that involve leadership and make an impact on the state, regional, national, or international levels.

Aim to do Tier 1 or Tier 2 activities that ideally relate to your major and career interests, and you should be set for UMich. Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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