Hi! I'm kind of stuck on what extracurriculars I could do. Right now I'm divided between computer science and psych, so I want to pursue some CS/psych ECs. Besides building an app or starting/joining a club, what other EC options are there for these two majors? Any ideas are appreciated :)
Hi! CS/psych is such a cool mix! There are so many possibilities. What i would suggest is the following: Make sure you have at least one ec that shows the overlap between these two fields, such as starting a CS project that mimics psychological behaviors. If you choose to pursue a project, you can also enter it in a bunch of cool competitions and even win awards!
Other than that, you can also do some activities that only relate to one of the fields, such as participating in a Hackathon (or even starting your own!!) or volunteering at (or starting) a mental health/psychology initiative.
I just thought of this as well: You can specifically enter hackathons that center around social good, and pivot your project around mental health or community psychology, to help people better understand one another or something along those lines. That way, with each hackathon you complete, you are also integrating psychology!
I was in a really similar situation when i wanted to group biochem and languages. when i was figuring out what ecs i wanted to focus on, i got help from a free mentor at learners empowered (let me know if you are interested!). They helped me figure out where to start with my ideas, so i feel like that would also help in this case :)
Best of luck!!
توجد عدّة تقنيات لتنظيف البلاط حسب نوعه والمواد المكوّنة له، وذلك للحفاظ عليه وكأنه جديد، ومنها ما يأتي: استخدام مُنظف لطيف على بلاط الأردواز ، بحيث لا يحتوي على أيّ نوع من الأحماض، وتجفيفه جيداً على الفور إذا كان البلاط مطلي. عدم استخدام المنظفات المحتوية على أحماض، مثل الخل واللّيمون على بلاط الرخام، وعدم استخدام فرشاة خشنة عند تنظيفه. استخدام منظف لطيف ومتوازن الحموضة على بلاط الجرانيت، ويمكن استخدام البوليش لتلميعه. استخدام المنظف الخاص بالفينيل على بلاط الفينيل، أو استخدام الماء والخل، وعدم استخدام أيّ أداة خشنة، أو منظفات قوية، حتّى لا ينخدش البلاط.
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