2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I make my summer productive?

Hello! I'm a rising junior and I'm generally looking for some advice to make this summer a very productive one. I plan on majoring in something within the art/design/visual field. My grades are very good but my Ec's for the past two years have been bland and I want to get busy and productive this summer! What can I do this summer to heighten my competitiveness during the college application process? I'm open to a lot of things like volunteer work or even posting on social media! I'm even open to continuing any possible summer activities into the school year.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi! You're in luck because you still have time :)

I would recommend doing things that impact the community, even if its something small. Since you are open to using social media (which is great!) you can create an account to showcase your work. You can also host some volunteer art sessions at a local library for elementary children! You can also create a visual arts club at your school and hold an annual art fest where all students and faculty are able to attend and admire your work! There's a world of possibilities.

Also, when I was in your situation, i found a free mentor through learners empowered (let me know if you are interested). they helped me start a few initiatives, which was super cool! i would recommend looking into their "How to Productive in Summer" mentoring program because it would definitely help your current situation!

Best of luck!!

2 years ago

Hi @clearwaters!

There's two main paths you can go on during summer: a self-directed activity, or an organization-based one.

A self-directed activity would be something you do yourself out of your own initiative. This could be anything from starting a social media page to self-studying for an AP exam. The point is that you find a project you want to work on, setting the goals, limits, and time-tables, and accomplish it on your own time. This could be especially impressive to colleges, but could be more difficult because there'd be no external group setting deadlines and expectations. However, if you're set on doing something in the arts, this could be your best option if there are no clear opportunities in your area.

The second option would be joining an organization, whether that means applying or simply signing up. You could take summer courses, pick up a job or internship, or even attend a dedicated weekly program for high school students. These will be easier to attend and motivate yourself towards, but are harder to find — especially if you're in a rural area. We have a list of various programs on our blog, where you can search by area to get started: https://blog.collegevine.com/category/extracurricular-activities/summer-activities/

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

2 years ago

Hi Clearwaters! There are various different types of art competitions in every category. I do not know the deadlines but you could compete in those. Also, maybe starting a blog or a social media account to showcase your work would beef up your extracurriculars. I currently have both a blog and a social media account for my art. Blogs and social media accounts are like online portfolios that people from all over the world can look at. You can interact with people all over and it is just a fun extracurricular. Also, becoming a member of a school art club would be beneficial. Good luck!

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