2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which colleges allow for a dual degree?

So, I've been doing a lot of research into options of double majors, dual degrees, etc.. Most colleges accept double majors, with of course variations on policies, but I can't find a lot of information on the allowance of dual degrees. Would it be the same allowance as double majors or would it depend purely on the college?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Short Answer - There is no list.

Long Answer- No one will know off the top of their head which colleges offer dual degrees. It depends on what you are planning on studying.

If a college you are interested has a dual major option, but makes no mention of a dual degree option, then I probably doesn't have a dual degree option.

I know that my university Columbia there are many dual degree options for graduate school so you can get a MBA and something else, or JD Law degree and something else, there are probably 20 or more combinations at the graduate school level.

A Barnard across the street, I think they have a BA/MA dual degree option where you go to Barnard for 4 year and 1 year to Columbia for a Masters.

And at the Columbia Univ. School of General Studies you can get a Dual degree with either Science Po in France or Trinity University in Dublin Ireland. You have to physically go and live in France or Ireland for the first 2 years, and then in your junior year you come to NYC and enroll in Columbia.

At just Columbia, I think there is a dual degree option for Columbia College students and the Fu School of Engineering which is called the 3-2 or 4-1 program. You have to attend another year of college to earn both degrees for a total of 5 full time years.

And there is definitely a dual degree program between Columbia and The Julliard School where you can earn a 2nd degree in Music, Dance or Theory from Julliard. I think that also takes an extra year of study.

As you can see from my response, there are probably countless examples all around the country but you will have spend some time researching these opportunities on your own.

My dad did a dual degree program between a 5 year architecture program and a the business school at Syracuse University. He told me that if he had to do over his college experience, he would have never embarked on this. Why? First it's incredibly lonely to do this all by yourself as the only person in the program. Second, all the students and professors in either school think you are nuts. And third, the work load is ridiculous so you are guaranteed to miss out a lot on normal conventional expectations of attending undergrad programs. He missed spending a year abroad studying in Italy. And when everyone is going to parties or dating or doing social things, you have to stay behind and do more homework. He told me that after 200 college credits, he earned his 2 degrees but it was not twice as satisfying. He would have much rather did the normal Architecture degree and then gone for an MBA at a better college and just focused on subject at a time. Soon after he completed this, they disbanded this dual degree program entirely because it was not a viable option for most students. I'm proud that he gutted it out. But he's not proud he gutted it out.

Good luck on your research project into this.

2 years ago

The answer depends on which subjects you are looking to earn a dual degree in. CollegeVine has a list of schools which offer 3-2 engineering programs, the most common dual degree, but finding more niche dual degrees will take additional research. The allowance of dual degree programs does depend purely on the college, and often these programs involve taking classes at two different colleges. Hope that helps!

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