4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do I get into University of Minnesota Twin Cities?

I'm a sophomore in high school. I haven't taken the SAT, but I've taken the PSAT several times and I'm in the 91% percentile and "on-track for college". Using this site my chances for getting accepted into the school are about 35%. I'm worried as I've scored "excellent" in the other two categories apart from the SAT section. Do I need a perfect score to get in? Are there other things I can do outside of the SAT that will increase my chances. This is the only school that meets all of my criteria and I'm very much hoping to be accepted.

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3 answers

4 years ago

PSAT scores do NOT correlate to SAT scores directly, so if you put your PSAT score in as your SAT score you will not get the right chances.

They also don't mean much. I got 1420 on the PSAT but studied a lot and then got 1560 on the SAT, a pretty big jump. You don't need a perfect score to get in there! I think involving yourself in your ECs and taking challenging courses will help your application too. You got this! Also, don't stress out too much, as you're only a sophomore and have plenty of time to improve.

4 years ago

It sounds like you're off to a good start with your PSAT scores and that your ECs are fairly strong. I know you might be stressed but the good news is you definitely don't need to get a perfect score to get accepted. For freshman admitted to University of Minnesota - Twin Cities in Fall of 2019 the average SAT score for the middle 50% was between a 1299 and a 1437.

Since you're still a sophomore you have plenty of time to study for the SAT and take practice tests. Shoot to be above 1400 and continue building out your ECs and you should be a competitive applicant. But, it's important not to stress if your SAT score if lower than you were hoping. There are going to be plenty of people admitted with SAT scores closer to 1200 and people who are accepted with scores lower than that. This link (https://admissions.tc.umn.edu/academics/profile.html) has a bit more information about the most recent admitted freshman class.

Good luck!

4 years ago

I am interestered in UMinn-TC but compared to UW-Madison its easy but try to maintain grades and slightly improve standerized test scores but to help yourself try to contact a admissions person or the department head to just question them about what you should do.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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