2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does anyone know anything about UC Scout?

I found a website called UC Scout offering high school courses: https://www.ucscout.org/courses/

However, I'm kind of confused as to what it exactly is. Does anyone know anything about it (especially people who have enrolled in this program before)? For its AP courses, can they fully prepare you for the AP exam (are they the equivalent of a self-study/independent class)? I looked at the dates for their AP Psych program and am confused as to why the two semesters are happening at the same time (June - Aug)? Once you take it, how do you incorporate the class into your transcript? Does it count for grad/college credit? For people who have experience: are the courses worth it? Any information greatly appreciated! Thank you!!


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago


UC Scout is a partnership between UC Santa Cruz and and the Scout company. They are legit just like eDX.org that partners with MIT/Harvard etc.

There are 3 level of Scout APs, Basic-just access to videos. Plus- Which is access to course materials and grade book for assignments and your HS in your zip code decides on whether you get credit for taking this class or not. On Demand which is the closest thing to take the real class online - you get a teacher, all the materials, take quizes, tests, and get credit for passing grade sent to your HS school from UC Scout.

If you are looking to actually get the most benefit from the AP Class then you want the On Demand version for $399. This is comparable to the cost of taking an Outlier.org course or a community college course.

The 2 sessions you are speaking about are Basic versions of UC Scout - 1 version allows you to be linked with a teachers. The Other doesn't. Teachers: The version ending in 'T' is the Basic-Teacher version. It does not allow the student and teacher to be linked through UC Scout’s online classroom (Learning Management System). If you intend to facilitate a class where all students have access to the course materials online, please use our “Plus“ option.

But the on demand one Psych140 On Demand is the one that will give you the most benefit. I'm not sure why anyone would take the basic unless they were just looking to self study anyway. You don't get any course credit with basic.

To be clear about APs, no APs count for graduate school credit. They only count for High School Graduation credit if your school allows it and only for College Credit if the college you are applying to allows it based on your AP test score submitted. So for top schools, that is a 5 AP Test Scores, Some less competitive colleges may acknowledge a 3 or 4 in certain subjects.

If you are opting for UC Scout Basic, it's just an self-studying activity, not a transcript one.

If you are opting for UC Scout Plus, you may get HS credit for it based on your performance in class and what your school policies are for UC Scout earned AP work. It's not a done deal. I think the plus plan is best for California students attending HSs that already have a policy towards UC Scout in place. If you are out of state and enroll in this, it's unlikely you will get approval to have this counted toward your transcript since school is out for the summer.

If you are opting for UC Scout on demand, then UC Santa Cruz will send your HS a transcript showing your grade and completion of the course work. You will still have to apply for the AP Test yourself but you will have the AP credit sent to your HS counselor to be added to your transcript.

Hope that is clear and makes sense to you.

2 years ago

If you decide to take a class through UC Scout check first with your high school counselor to make sure they approve the class before you sign up for it. Schools will usually only accept summer courses, not courses you take concurrently during the school year.

UC scout offers online classes that are UC approved. Similar options are Laurel Springs ($$$) and Silicon Valley High School ($)

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