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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurricular ideas

Hi, I'm an incoming senior and I was wondering if there are any good last minute extracurricular ideas I can do over summer, or internships. I don't really know how internships work and I'm lost on where to start. My unweighted gpa is 3.53 (which I know isn't the highest) but I need to do more in terms of outside activities because I am not on any club boards or sports. I'm not shooting for any private schools or anything (not even sure if i want to do a cc first), I just want to get my best chances, thanks!

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

Hey! In my experience, you can always start volunteering your time to a local organization.

If you have any religious affiliations like if you're a part of a church, mosque, temple, etc., you could always meet with a leader or find activities there that you could help out with. Even if you aren't religiously affiliated, in my experience, churches are always great places to get volunteer hours or even leadership positions.

It's never too late to start your own initiatives. You could start even a small book club with your friends, do a tutoring service by posting an ad on your parent's Facebook, or honing in skills on a hobby.

While gaining a really huge internship for this summer might be tough, you can always try finding a job that has even a slight connection to your prospective major, it would be a really big boost. That, or, you can cold message someone in your community with a career you are interested in and see if you can shadow them for the rest of the summer.

3 years ago

You need to have ECAs in the application as they will help it to stand out from the crowd. Try to establish a club in your school (I am the founder and president of the technology club in my school) or join a club and get a good position like President or event organizer. Participate in plays and try to have the role of the main character or additional main character, and try to participate in some good summer programs. Did you work anywhere before I mean waiter or cashier (part-time jobs)? It's also a good EC. If you are in your senior year then that would be pretty tough, (I started working at dominos as a waiter in 9th and got promoted to a cashier after 4 months and I left the job at the beginning of 12th because it was tough for me to manage). Try to do tutoring online, It'd also be a good ECA, and participate in olympiads.

Best of Luck

3 years ago

I believe that it is too late to sign up for many internships/extracurriculars over the summer as most of them had registrations in the springtime. However, you could always get a job somewhere, because it not only shows responsibility but you can also make some money from it.

As for internships, you can always do them over the summer after your senior year. I would ask a teacher who teaches the subject related to your field of interest about opportunities then.

The thing about starting any ec's now is that colleges will know you're only doing it to pad your stats, rather than actually for the learning process. The job will still help, but now would be a good time to get your drafts for essays started and figure out which teachers you want to write letters of recommendation for. That's the "intangible" aspect that colleges these days focus so much on, so it would greatly benefit you to put some time into those. Good luck.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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