4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which GPA is better? 4.125 weighted or 3.68 unweighted?

I have a weighted GPA of 4.125 and an unweighted GPA of 3.68. Is that considered good? I have taken 5 AP classes so far and I am not sure how colleges will look at that because my grades are not the best. Will better colleges look at my grades if they are not as great and will they mostly look at unweighted or weighted?


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3 answers

4 years ago

Grades without context do not mean anything to anyone here or application readers. If you are applying to a competitive college where the 25%/75% GPAs are like 3.4/3.6 and the weighted GPAs are 3.7/4.00 then you have great grades for that school. But if you are applying to a top 25 college than your grades are less than average. You can easily see what the average GPA for every school on your list is if you google search them. Also, the spread between UGPA and WGPA is .45 which means you did take some weight classes like honor or APs and got some As in them which is good. But you didn't take as many as some other students. You have a 92% GPA which is an A- so that's better than most. After you do your GPA research you will know where you stand in relation to others for your Target and Reach schools. Also, remember that most colleges use UGPA because that's like comparing apples to apples versus a weighted GPA. If a college had 3 students with 3.68 UGPA the could figure out who is the better student if they submitted a 3.91, 4.125, 4.31 WGPA. They would also factor in the course rigor as well and how many weighted classes created the GPA. But even though 4.125 sounds better it doesn't mean it's better, depending on the context of what it's being used for. One thing I noticed watching youtube videos is that some kids have crazy high GPAs like 5.3 or 5.1 or 4.94 and that's because their school uses GPA inflation. They give out a 6 for an AP or IB class, and 5 for honors. Other schools give out a 4.5 for a honors or 5 for AP, while others still have no additional weighting so a 3.9 out of a maximum 4.0 is quite remarkable. Best of luck in your college admissions journey.

4 years ago[edited]


4 years ago

You can report either but I would likely use the UW gade as your transcript will show your course rigor. Alot o schools do consider W grades but they often use their own formula so agree inlation doesn't happen.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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