2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Shall I take SAT now or shall I take after receiving the selection letters?

I am in grade 12 currently and I am confused about whether I should take SAT now or shall I take it after the decisions are out!

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4 answers

2 years ago

If you have the time, take the SAT now (either in August or October) and you'll receive your scores in time to apply with them, if you so choose, on your college applications. Typically, you take standardized tests before you apply, and decide between test-optional or submitting your scores based on how well you perform. If your scores are around or above the school-wide average of your colleges of choice, applying with them will give your application a boost and help your chances.

There's no real point in taking the SAT after you receive decisions from your applications unless you plan on applying again next admissions cycle. Good luck!

2 years ago

SAT is a standardized test that is used for comparing applicants in the admissions process, so there's no point in taking the SAT after the decisions are out.

Whether you should take the SAT or not depends on:

1. Your skill in the SAT: Try giving the SAT practice tests on https://www.khanacademy.org/SAT. Next, compare your practice test scores with the average SAT scores(on Google) for the universities you're planning to apply to. If your score is greater than the average, consider taking the SAT.

2. Where you're planning to apply: Check if your selected universities are test optional. Remember, you don't have to submit SAT scores everywhere you apply.

If you're an international student, you might need to give IELTS or Duolingo.


Don't assume a good SAT score by itself is sufficient for admission. There are other criteria like high school GPA and extracurriculars, so they shouldn't be neglected.

2 years ago

I would suggest that you take it based on your confidence level, current preparation, and your previous scores. If you have a score that you are satisfied with that is high at the schools you applied to, I wouldn't worry too much. However, if you feel that you scored relatively low, I would consider taking it one more time.

2 years ago

Hello, @arjun16. It is determined by the college to which you are applying. Some colleges, such as the UC schools in California, have completely eliminated the SAT/ACT from the admissions process. So SAT is for test-optional or required colleges. Having SAT is beneficial if you want it to serve as compensation or boost your chances beyond your GPA. It would make you more competitive with students who have the same GPA as your admission officers. If you want the SAT to be part of your application, you must take it before applying. Taking the SAT is pointless after knowing the college's decisions to you.

Also, if your SAT score is in the 50th percentile, I recommend you include it in your application. Yes, as @Anonymous123 suggested, you could take the Khan Academy Practice SAT first to determine your current standing. If you decide to take it. You should start preparing for it this summer. SAT prep books are available such as The Princeton Review, Barron's, and Kaplan, as well as free resources from Khan Academy and College Board. You should take the actual SAT latest by December 2022. Because Regular Decision begins in January and February.

This summer, in addition to studying for the SAT (if you decide to take it), you should start working on your resume and essays if you haven't already. You could complete some final ECs, such as volunteer hours, if necessary. You should also begin looking for internships in your field of interest. Of course, keep up your GPA in the first half-year of 12th grade.

I hope the information helps, and best luck.

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