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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

is anyone else still unable to factor in early decision to their chancing?

I've contacted customer service but all they told me was to refresh the page. Its been weeks since the update and I still don't have this feature. Does anyone know why this is happening?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

The ED/EA, Transfer feature is now available in the "MY LIST" if you create a new column and select "Application Round". With in the drop-down selections you will see all the available options for that school, for instance EA (non-binding) ED I (binding), ED II (binding), Transfer, or Regular for RD.

To set this up in your "MY LIST" you have to select whatever default you wish for your schools on your list.

While it is supposed to change your chances, I don't think it works very well because the only 1 of the 10 Colleges changes by 1%.

For instance my Top 10 schools in order of difficulty are Caltech, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Colby, Duke, Brown, Columbia and they are mostly 18-22% but if I select ED or EA on all of them, they are exactly the same number. And if I choose transfer, they are exactly the same number. So, I conclude this is a work in progress.

What I would expect is the ED/EA results to be like 25-30% and the Transfer results to be 10-20% since transfer rates at these schools seem to be very low.

Hang in there.

3 years ago[edited]

Hey! I'm not qualified to speak for CollegeVine and I myself am a little confused but there is the option to list a college as Early Decision if the college has that option. If you're looking at the UCs they don't have the ED option. However, for other colleges such as Stanford, there is the EA option. So to find the early decision factor (on the computer web browser, I'm not sure about phones):

1. At the top find the Schools dropdown menu and click My List (You should see your list of colleges)

2. Scroll right or simply make the screen smaller (Zoom to 80% or 90%)

3. There you should see a column labeled "Application Round" next to "Overall Acceptance Rate." Every college defaults to Regular decisions, but you can factor in EA or Transfer.

Once you change it, the "Submission Deadline" date will also change as well. However, I think the date is the only thing that changed for me since all of the acceptance percentages stayed the same, which is what I'm confused about. I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen, since EA should increase your chances. (FYI I didn't do anything or update anything on collegevine)

3 years ago

Does the CollegeVine calculator ever have the factor of Early Decision? Because since I joined CollegeVine 6 months ago, I have never seen such a feature. If you are certain CollegeVine indeed had it in the past. My recommendation is to email again and tell them the refreshing doesn't work.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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