I am considering taking a NEWL exam in Portuguese (since I have spoken it to some degree my whole life) in my junior or senior year of high school. NEWL, or National Examinations in World Languages, which offers testing with AP-like scores for languages not offered with the AP progam.
They are endorsed by Collegeboard so I'm wondering if colleges count them as valid. I haven't found any information about them on university websites.
Colleges do count NEWL exams as valid, however, it may not give you much benefit to take them if you just want to prove your fluency. If you say that you are fluent in a language in your application, colleges will take your word for it.
A NEWL exam may not help you greatly if you want to receive credit for your language ability either. Many schools will require you to take a placement test made by their own language departments in order to receive credit, regardless of your prior classes or certificates. In any case, all schools that accept AP/NEWL credit will still let you take their own placement tests. Hope this helps!
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