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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What can I do during summer vacation

I am a 10th grader and I am targeting the major of premed, predental, or biochem. I don’t have money to join the summer camp which is held by prestigious university or doing an experiment with the professor(or something like that), what would you recommend me to do during the summer vocation (something that is not too pricey), I’m really panicking right now, I need some recommendations. Any activity is fine but if that is relevant to science it would be better, thanks.

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2 answers

3 years ago

hello! i definitely recommend volunteering!! reach out to your local nursing home, food pantry, public library, etc. and ask if they need volunteers. It can fill your summer up, is free, and looks fantastic on college applications! if you continue it through the summer, school year, and even the summer after that you can rack up hours and look pretty good. If you're old enough and have the time, think of getting a job as well to save up for college! i can't think of anything 'science-y' for you to do off the top of my head but i wish you the best - good luck! :)

3 years ago

Hey! I am an ex-medical student. Your target medical-related majors is really great. But before deciding I want you think whether you truly enjoy studying medicine or not. Because dedication alone is not enough to become a doctor. Don't get me wrong, I am really supportive of your interests. I just want you to give some thought before you decide.

For your question, there are a lot of free sources you can study permed like edX website.

I believe there are better websites for medicine. Go to youtube and give some time to research medical related medical websites. I also encourage to serve as a volunteer in any related field in your area. It doesn't have to be physically involved, any online volunteering will give you lots of experiences. Choose wisely though. Also join a group of peers with same interest as it will help you get closer to your goal.

To conclude, there's a ton of opportunities and free education waiting for you, so don't stress out. Just give some time to do proper research and you will find one that suits you soon. Cheers!

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