2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Question about answering prompts

If a prompt a university requires you to answer has multiple parts to it, what order should you answer the parts in? Should I go with what order they gave me, or what makes sense to me? For example, there's a prompt that generally goes like this: "Describe what you want to pursue at [college], how you got interested in that field, and any post-graduation plans you have." Personally, it makes sense to answer that chronologically (talking about how I got interested, what I'd do at the college, and post-grad plans), but I worry that it comes off the wrong way.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Hi @slonqo!

I would look at multi-part prompts as checklists rather than a recommended order. The school here wants to know: your intended major, what interests you about it, and what you plan to do with it. These are all pretty interlinked, and they're mostly just looking for a well-thought-out explanation of your academic interests so they can see what kind of student you would be.

But this is also a college essay, and they want to know you can write. Answering these in bullet points probably wouldn't be very interesting, especially for an admissions officer who has to read hundreds of student essays. I would instead recommend choosing the structure that helps you write the most interesting essay and making sure you've covered your bases afterwards.

Finally, here's our guide on writing the "Why major?" essay: https://blog.collegevine.com/why-this-major-college-essay/

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

2 years ago

Hello, @slonqo. You don't have to be overly concerned about the order. If your university requires the three promts written as one essay. Putting the answers in chronological order makes sense if they transition smoothly. You should indicate which prompt you are responding in your topic sentence of each paragraphh. If you need to write three independent essays or paragraphs, the order is really irrelevant. At the end of the day, the University evaluates your beliefs, reasoning, and academic writing abilities more than the specific order of paragraphs.

2 years ago[edited]

What I said at first I communicated wrongly I might I personally think it doesn’t matter colleges read tons of essays and I don’t think they care on how you write it!

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