2 years ago
Admissions Advice

When are you guys applying for summer programs?

I'm planning to apply for a pre-college summer program for the summer of 2023 (probably Brown, Stanford, MIT, and/or Harvard). The last time I checked (less than a week ago), all the websites still list the 2022 program deadlines and I didn't see an option to apply for next summer's programs. I know some of them are first-come-first-serve and I want to start as early as possible. Generally what day/month do the applications open? Also, for people who have experience with their programs, do you have any advice? Thanks!


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

The deadlines and start dates differ depending on the college. However, summer pre-college application typically begins in December at the earliest and ends in June at the latest. I applied to UW-Madison summer programs between those dates. And those dates have remained consistent over the last four years. The only difference this year is that the deadline was extended due to a lack of interest in applying in person following the pandemic. So, based on the 2022 deadlines/dates, I believe you should expect the same for the following year's schedule. Although it's possible there could be some changes. So sign up for the university programs' mailing list for updates. I believe nearly every college has a section for Request Information. Also, you can email or call the office/department responsible for the summer applications for specific questions. You should search for those on the website of your desired university.

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