Hello! Can anyone give me tips on the topic that I should choose to write as my CommonApp essay? Computer Science, space, and cricket deeply interest me. I want to major in Computer science. So, should I write my essay on computers or will my application look redundant?
The only information the admissions committees will have about you is what they see on the application, so try to provide the widest range of information possible. There will be a Why Major essay in almost all universities you apply to, so I wouldn't recommend writing about Computer Science(CS).
First, list down all the supplemental essay topics required by the universities you're applying to. You'll definitely see some overlaps. Reuse any content you can for different universities(except the Why This College essay). Use the Common App Essay to convey a significant aspect of yourself that you feel you won't be able to describe in the supplemental essay.
Hope this helps.
Is there a connecting thread you can find between all three? Or even two of these interests? That makes your essay much more unique and can help you avoid talking ABOUT the hobby instead of WHY you love it. It takes skill, but I feel like that has the potential to be the best essay!
Personally, I think writing about computer science will make you look passionate. However it needs to be something the admissions people can understand. I suggest talking about why you like computer science, how it can influence the world, how you can influence the world and what your goals are, what have you learned, etc. The idea is to write something that is about you, on you, so they have an idea on who you are.
I would say talk about something different because it's an opportunity for you to talk about any other quality you have. The application readers already know you are interested in computers. Instead, maybe elaborate on what cricket has done for you or why you're interested in space. Or, talk about another quality or interest you have. The college will see that you have (probably) taken comp sci or other tech classes so that will show them that it is an interest you have and it is something you're good at. Use this part of your application to show ao's who you are as a person and what other qualities you have. Just my opinion!
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