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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do extracurriculars count if they are from grade 9

I finished level ten piano at the start of grade 9 and decided to not pursue ARCT. would it count as an extracurricular?


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3 answers

3 years ago

You only get ten extracurriculars in the common app. If you feel like it truly adds to your narrative as a student, you can add anything completed from the summer before freshman year on. However, you want to add the ten most meaningful things to your application. Don't leave off something more timely, relevant, or impactful to list your piano. Also, colleges can see though filler extracurriculars. If it feels like something you really left behind after the beginning of freshman year, I would personally leave it off your application. I was in my church choir from 4th grade to the start of freshman year before COVID shut it down. Although I could add it to my application since it did occur during my high school years, I'm going to be leaving it off since I haven't returned to it, have better things I could put in that slot on my application, and don't really feel like it adds to my narrative.

TL; DR: Yes, it counts, and you get to decide if it's worth it to add.

3 years ago

Anything after 8th Grade can be listed. Even if you can't cover it in the 10 extracurriculars(Common App) or 8 extracurriculars(in Coalition Application), you get 650 words(in Common App) or 300 words(in Coalition Application) to provide extra information. Still, prioritize the most impactful extracurriculars for the extracurriculars section.

3 years ago

Short answer: Yes.

Because it was in your freshman year it does count. However, if you have stronger EC's I would prioritize those first. In the end it is up to you but yes you can include it. Hope that helps!

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