2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are some websites where you can find job opportunities?

I'm interested in a part-time job that doesn't require that much expertise or skills (Kumon grader, boba shop worker, etc). Do you guys know of any websites that update the latest job opportunities? Also, what are some easy jobs for a rising high school sophomore? Online job opportunities are also great! Lastly, how do you apply for the jobs? How does the process work? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


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4 answers

2 years ago[edited]

I would say that the best thing is whenever you go to a store, like Starbucks or McDonalds, etc, see if they have a poster or a flyer that says “Hiring” and you can usually apply online with a link provided.

Many places don’t update their jobs often online unless they’re really really desperate (like the Panera bread near me LOL) but you can go on Indeed.com and filter the jobs for 15-16year olds/teens, no experience/entry level, etc and get direct emails to notify you of new job opportunities.

When applying for a retail job or fast food, there’s usually a website that the application is on and you just fill out information about yourself and upload your resume and/or cover letter. Then you wait for them to email/call you back for an interview if selected. They usually take about 1-2 weeks to get back to you and they’ll be like “we’d be glad to meet you for an interview!” Or “we found a more qualified candidate, sorry!”

For a kumon job (I worked there for 2 years), see if they have a website and email the owner of the branch in your city to see if they’re hiring. That’s basically what my sister did after we newly moved and she scored a job tutoring making 10-12/hr.

There aren’t many online jobs for teenagers but there might be some online surveys you can take for some change or slicethepie.com which allows you to listen to music and give your opinion on it for like 0.001 cents per review 😭. There’s not a great payout.

For someone in Highschool, tutoring is probably the best bet as you’ll get paid a decent amount, have decent hours, and learn more in the process!

It depends on your age however. If you’re a sophomore who’s 16 vs 15, you’ll have more opportunities to work retail (like TJ max, Ross, at your mall, etc). At 15, you can typically work as a tutor, Dairy Queen, McDonald’s maybe, Hardee’s, summer camp counselor, referee maybe, Winn Dixie, Publix, Food City, or like a smaller drugstore.

Hope this helps

2 years ago

hello! i know indeed helps a lot for me. you can base it on location near you, hourly wage, etc. however, it can be a little difficult because some require you to be 18+ or have a high school diploma. However, I've had pretty good luck w it! I know if you're under 18, Starbucks will hire you (one place off the top of my head). Good luck! :)

2 years ago[edited]

Hope you managed to find the job you were looking for! The advice about going to a local store and looking for a hiring poster there is really good. You might also check their websites or ask the workers directly. It’s especially about those little positions because the shops wouldn’t usually post them online.

If you are looking for a remote, part-time job, I recommend visiting Sarkari Result. It might be difficult to understand what this website says, but it’s one of the biggest jobs offers aggregators in India, and you can find tons of offers. They might hire you even if you don’t live in India and offer a better salary than you would get in the US.

2 years ago

Do you guys know of any websites that update the latest job opportunities?

Indeed.com has a lot of job opportunities.

what are some easy jobs for a rising high school sophomore?

Some easy jobs would probably be retail jobs, babysitting, or working in food.

how do you apply for the jobs? How does the process work?

Indeed helps you create a resume. All you have to do is click on the job you want and they will send your resume to the employer. They will let you know if the employer has viewed your application, if they want to set up an interview, etc.


Make sure you out as much as you can on your resume like skills, etc.

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