2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Hello, looking for 2023 admission to Texas A&M for Political science.


I am a rising senior with Unweighted GPA looks little disturbing with 3.67. i have already taken almost 6 AP and another 4 in senior year and almost 10 honors class. i have leadership positions in school teams as well as summer Internship done with Law firm , Actual job in fast-food and got into another Law firm for Internship in senior year after rigorous application process and Interview . Also 100 plus volunteer hours . i am planning to take SAT in August and if score doesnt looks good, planning to apply test optional. What are the chances of my admission to Texas A&M university for Liberal arts.


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3 answers

2 years ago

Without knowing the full details of your profile, I would say that you have a high chance of getting accepted to Texas A&M so long as you write good essays and have good teacher recommendations. Your AP classes and extracurricular achievements should make up for your unweighted GPA.

To answer your question below about why the Chancing Engine is predicting lower odds of admission for you now, check out this update. Hope this helps!

2 years ago[edited]

Do really well on your SAT. I had 0 APs while applying(my school offered none) but I think my SAT score(1520) was enough to get me into Texas A&M University-College Station Class of 2026.

For Political Science, your SAT EBWR score will be a huge factor. If Math is not your strength, you'll be able to cover up with your EBRW score. Even if Math is your strength, you should aim for at least 700 on the EBRW section.

2 years ago

It depends what branch of A&M and your location. I will assume you live in Texas and are referring to the campus in College Station. If so, your chances look pretty bright, but you should consult with the chance simulator on this website. Your GPA and level of rigor seem very apt for A&M and a good ACT/SAT score will supplement that very well.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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