2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Got a 3.3 UW GPA freshman year. Are my chances at a top 20 school now significantly stunted?

I got a 3.3 GPA (including PE + another free A). Mathematically speaking, my maximum GPA is a 3.8 and even then it'd be near damn impossible to achieve. Am I ruined and what can I do to remedy awful 9th grade grades? And even if if it's not over, how much harder will it be to gain entry to a T20? I read of people with 4.0s rejected and I don't think I stand a chance.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

If you're entering your sophomore year, don't worry about it! You still have 3 years to increase the GPA. You can take AP courses, community college courses with Dual Enrollment, and Honors to weight your GPA, however, try getting mostly A's in every class possible, even though it's not a weighted class.

Top 20 colleges not only look for good grades but good test scores, recommendations, and extracurriculars. Most universities still require the SAT/ ACT, so start studying for those! Aim for a 1450-1500 minimum.

Don't just know your teachers, bond with them! Having a good relationship with a teacher can not only impact your grade (they can change an 88 into a 90, just an example) and their recommendation letters can convince the admissions.

Alas, extracurriculars, which I feel is such an underrated tip; Join clubs, organizations, community service, and or sports. Try to stay engaged in at least one club for 2+ years (if you've been in a club for a year or less, don't bother putting it in your application). Colleges want to see who you are as a person, what you do in your free time, what you're passionate about and what drives you. Although academics come first, they don't want anyone who completes the work in front of them. They want to see leaders, initiatives.

I also suggest you stay productive during your summers if possible. Precollege programs, clubs, or just summer classes will show you are productive and attempting to challenge yourself.

But the most important tip; please don't fret so much about getting into a college! It's true, even with a perfect GPA, a perfect score, and being a president in so many clubs won't guarantee you admission. Have a variety of options and make sure they have your major of interest and top quality and what you need to thrive (say you thrive better in a smaller school rather than a large one).

Hope that helps!

2 years ago

I wouldn't throw in the towel yet. There is nothing shabby about a 3.8 GPA.

Please give it your best shot and continue to take challenging weighted courses going forward. You will have to make lots of adjustments to going from a B student to an A student but you only live once so I highly recommend that you figure out a game plan. You need to have your mom/day/siblings on your side so make sure they understand what you are trying to achieve. Perhaps they can help you with your scheduling, time management and funding you to take some tutoring to stay ahead of the curriculum versus just keeping up with it.

Good luck.

What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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