2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Advice on ecs

Hello. I'm from Pakistan. I'm a student of grade 11 and am ambitious to pursue further education in a renowned US university. I'm having trouble deciding how to utilise my summer break and what type of extra curriculars to do. I don't have any extra curriculars bit will be hopefully volunteering soon. Community service always grasps my interest and is something I'm passionate about. Now, I need suggestions for what type of other extra curriculars can I pursue during my A levels, grade 12 and 13 which will be related to economics major, as im hoping to major in economics.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hello from America!! I am a rising senior (12th grade here, 13th grade in the UK). I would say that now is the time to find something that you are super passionate about and attempt to either intern or volunteer. Colleges like to see consistency, so if you can join something and stick for years with it please do!! Also, after you "stick with" that activity, try to enter higher/leadership positions to really demonstrate you are passionate about it and also that you are a leader. If you have any club ideas, start that club!! It shows initiative and drive.

2 years ago

to be honest, it's easy to fall into this rabbit hole. I'd very much recommend you not DO THINGS just for the sake of applying to US or of such sort. I've met a boy last year from a neighboring school who was so passionate about this and that and did accordingly just for the sake of making his background diverse. I was there too, A TREE PLANTATION-ish group to be specific. But things got erratic after a while as the other members pushed too hard and the circle broke. Look mate, there are a lot of opportunities around, and it doesn't have to be outside your zone. Spend time with your family, and help with groceries. The admissions officers are very much interested in you "as a person" not how rich your work or leisures are. Experiment with things, where your passion shines. It could be family, some descent volunteering, musical instrument, or maybe your nation's culture. Maybe help with sorting and recording your family's monthly expenditure, come up with a savings plan or similar, since you want to major Economics. It could be anything. It just needs a little touch of your heart.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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