2 years ago
Admissions Advice

about commonapp essays

I can't believe that Indian who copied my Harvard Unusual Circumstances essay is still reviewing that essay. Last night, I found it... AGAIN... This is twice. Now it's even worsened. Heh, other than the strong words I used, he did not even change the commas. I wonder, how shameless can people be! I talked about my assault and showed my character development as I coped with the situation. He was assaulted too, heh. I bet he does not even know the intensity of how it feels to have a broken nose, torn earlobes, and ruptured eardrums. What it feels to have a family breakdown, bullies so bad that you end up in a hospital... heh, he had them all. No one could possibly know if you're not there anyway.

Don't worry, I don't submit essays for reviews, not anymore mate. I just read, and offer my thoughts. The fact I designed the other essays around it, interlinked with that... I would have to change my whole essay-persona structure now. I'm mature enough to understand, that even parasites live within blossoms. This is a nice community, and as expected of the internet some are non-recyclable trash... I'd request everyone to not copy others' essays. It's no luck as the admissions officers will find out anyway. Be real, your essays should give a pictorial definition of yourself. You can at least have a little shame.

DON"T COPY-PASTE-EDIT OTHER PEOPLE'S ESSAYS! Someone might be sharing their life within those lines. BE YOURSELF.

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2 years ago

That's my main concern about the platform. 99/100 people on here seem to be the great in terms behavior and helpfulness but that 1% of those who are not (cheaters) are the scum of the Earth. I would be beyond upset if my experience were just used like that for the advantage of someone trying to cheat the system. I wouldn't really comment on this type of post, but I have been a victim of academic plagiarism and it really sucks, but what that individual did was pouring salt on the wound.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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