2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Im Confused about AP Test Prep Books

So are AP test prep books all-in-one (notwithstanding practice college board questions), which afterwards you spend a couple of months on them and you get a good grade? Or are they just supplemental to a study plan that has many different programs and review strategies?


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4 answers

2 years ago[edited]


2 years ago

Short answer: Prep books supplement a complete study plan.

Long answer: Some AP Prep Books, such as the AMSCO®, are more comprehensive than others and could even be used as textbooks. Some prep books, such as REA's Crash Course®, are much shorter and less detailed. Having said that, they are generally used as a supplement to traditional textbooks. This is because, in comparison to a textbook, even the most comprehensive prep book is insufficient. Prep books typically include useful explanations for difficult concepts as well as summaries of lengthy information that is useful for test preparation. They do help you to build a structured plan for learning such as the 5 steps to a 5® series. Furthermore, they offer AP practice problems to help you identify and improve your knowledge gaps.

So, whether you plan to self-study any AP or take an AP class, I strongly recommend that you buy both prep books and textbooks if they are not provided.

2 years ago

It depends on the course. For example in my AP class the school gave us a giant text book but many of us got the Barron's psych book and it simplied a lot of complicated concepts. I would say if you can get one I would suggest it because it breaks down the exams and eputs concepts into understandable terms. However they usually do not go in detail as much.

a year ago

I'm confused about which book to buy for my AP test prep. There are so many books out there and it's hard to know which one is the best. I've read some reviews on different websites but it's still hard to make a decision. One book is about doing the practice tests and the other one is about doing practice problems. I am willing to go to the college of music and I am searching the best college for myself I hope this https://www.xsnoize.com/how-to-get-into-a-college-of-music/ article will help me with finding a suitable musical college so that I could convert my passion into profession.

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