So I recently took the ACT on June 11th and just got my writing score back. I have a couple of questions about it as it certainly isn’t a very talked-about aspect of the standardized test world.
I got a 10 on the writing score, but since colleges don’t include writing scores in score descriptions, I have absolutely no idea how that compares. Is 10 a solid writing score and is it worth submitting?
Furthermore, I’m planning on retaking the ACT in July. Should I try for a higher writing score, or is 10 good enough to just let it be?
Also just as a general question, is the ACT writing section something even worth pursuing since it’s not required nor ever mentioned?
Thank you so much!!
I went to a college scholarships seminar hosted by Dan Bisig, and independent educational consultant who works internationally and across the United States. Here is my answer:
First, yes, a 10 is a really great score and it is worth submitting. The average score is a 6.5 according to Allen grove, a college admissions expert.
Second, Dan Bisig said if you do not want to go to a prestigious college like Harvard, you do not need to re-take the test to get a higher score.
Lastly, this is somewhat up to you and the college. If your college requires it, then yes put your score. If it's optional and you got like, a 2, then you shouldn't put your score (but obviously you did very well, so you can put your score).
To keep this community safe and supportive:
It would be a waste of time to take it again. A 10/12 is a great score.