2 years ago
Admissions Advice

IF you need more course rigor like an IB Diploma consider a Boarding School !!!

In my recent research about ranking American Boarding Schools, I came upon a International Boarding Consortium of 18 UWC Schools that offer the IB Diploma. The are called the United World College Schools. They are 100% legit and operate in the US, India, China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, South Africa, Tanzania, Armenia, Canada, Norway, Wales UK, Netherlands, Germany, Bosnia, and Italy


So lets say you are high school student and you really want to go to top college but your high school doesn't offer any APs or IBs and you don't have the means (time/money/resources) to switch schools and move to a private school in your country. The other option is to apply to the closest UWC. Some are small campuses like the one in New Mexico, USA with only 235 students while others are huge like the Singapore campus with 5600 students. I think the average range is between 200-900 students per country school.

I only researched the 1 USA school and it seemed very reasonable compared to other boarding schools and about 80-85% of students are on financial aid and are for the most part International students. I don't have time to research the other 17 schools so I'm just leaving the link below for all of you who are interested. All I know is the one in the US was started by billionaire Armand Hammer who started Occidental Oil company in CA. His son and grandson are a bit problematic but had nothing to do with establishing the campus. They have a lot of resources and well $ endowed for a tiny campus


Each of the 18 colleges have their own unique application form and criteria for financial aid. You can qualify for either a partial scholarship or a fully funded scholarship with tuition room and board if you qualify.


The IB program is very impressive for American Top universities so if you are an international student who really wants to go to top American college, consider this option.


Will you be homesick? For sure. But sometimes you have to take some risks and to have a better chance at getting into a better college right?

Good luck and let me know in the future if any of you decide to go there.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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