2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What extracurriculars can I do with the hobbies and interests I have?

I am unsure of which clubs to join and don't have any ideas on what extracurriculars relate to my major and interests. Could someone give me any ideas on things I could do? My major is probably going to be along the lines of finance and economics. My hobbies are as follows:

Coding - Basic Knowledge of Python

Graphic Designing - Full knowledge on Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Inkscape

Language Learning - Basic Japanese and trying to study for JLPT N5 (kind of like a certification for knowing Japanese)

My interests:

- Finance

- Data analysis (This is really just what kind of role I want when I get a job)

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5 answers

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2 years ago

Hello! I am very active in clubs/extracurriculars so here's what I would recommend for you.

- Future Business Leaders of Tomorrow: I've heard it is a great club. Link for more info:https://www.fbla-pbl.org/divisions/fbla/

- Student Credit Union Internship: I'm doing this at my school next year and it seems to fit for you

- Coding Club/Girls Who Code: I don't know what you Identify as but I am the president of the GWC Club, and it defiantly something you could look into (if that applies to you).

- Build a Website/App: This is something that takes more dedication, and can totally be done collaboratly, but would look really good on a resume.

- Robotics Club: This is heavily built on coding.

- Online Coding Course/Competitions: To help deepen your knowledge of coding, try https://www.kaggle.com/

- Become a Treasurer for a Club: The club doesn't have to be something you are the most excited about, but if the position helps gain experience from a formal perspective.

- Start you Own Club: Definatly recommended, maybe something on this list or maybe a Japanese related club, or economic-related.

2 years ago

If you are interested in finance, you may want to check out Bank of America Student Leader Program. My high school heavy promotes this program. You can check with your local banks and/or credit unions if they offer internship opportunities. Does your school offer an investment club? If not, you could inquire about starting one.

I will be taking economics this Fall semester at my local community college as a high school student. You can check if college courses are available to high school students at your local community college.

2 years ago

Hello! If you are into research activities, you've got a great knowledge basis for a research project. Top colleges really value it when the applicant does independent activities like that. So, you might choose an appealing topic in economics, collect relevant data, and use Python instruments to analyze it. And if you find interesting patterns, you might make a presentation and include infographics created using graphic designing programs! (I don't know to what extent they are helpful for infographics, but maybe it's worth giving a try.) This would involve a lot of your interests in one project!

2 years ago

My school has a very strong FBLA program, which is "Future Business Leaders of America". This might be a good place to start if you want to do more with your interests in finance. As for graphic design, my school has a club specifically for graphics, but if yours does not then you may want to look into your school's art or design clubs and see what they could have to offer.

2 years ago

For coding, my school has a Computer Security Club, and we enter an event hosted by Carnegie Mellon called the picoCTF. Competitions like these can help bolster your application as well as demonstrate your interests to colleges.

For graphic design, I would probably recommend taking a course sequence throughout high school. My school, for example, offers Digital Graphic Design, followed by Adobe Creative Suite, and then a host of different courses that include Animation and related disciplines.

Creating a club is a super impressive achievement, and your application would be all the better because of it. Of course, not everything in high school is for your application, but you should keep it in mind as you navigate yourself. On that note, making a Japanese Club (or Anime Club, if that's your vibe) would be a geat way to incorporate leadership and passion, and you can do what you love while benefitting yourself! A win-win :)

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