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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is Boy's State as prestigious as CollegeVine makes it seem?

I attended Texas Boys State this summer, so when I went to add the activity to the Chancing Engine, it lists Boy's State as a Tier 1c activity. However, when I go searching about the prestige of the program elsewhere, Boys State doesn't really hold as much weight as CollegeVine does. Can someone clarify the level of achievement Texas Boys State really is?

The program was around a week long with 800 students across the state of Texas. It is significantly more competitive than other states just cause of the sheer size of Texas. To attend, you have to be nominated by a coach, teacher, mentor, etc., then you have to fill out an application and get sponsored by an American Legion. From my experience at Boy's State, many of the people there were well accomplished including national level athletes and debaters, so I guess that goes to show how good the program is? I hope someone can clarify it for me. Thank you!


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]


@CameronBameron1726 answers, 7170 votes

• just now

Keep in mind @AlanShaji that CollegeVine's profile inputs and chancing engine are all sort of a guideline. They are not 100% accurate as inputs and neither is the chancing engine as outputs. They are certainly better for most applicants than whatever else if available on the internet for free.

As an incoming Freshman to Columbia, I know for a fact what the admission rate was when I applied. It was 10.5% for ED, and 3.67% for RD. And I know that many peers who applied to Ivys had a much easier time getting into schools like Duke, Brown, Caltech and liberal arts colleges like Colby, Pomona, Bowdoin. But on my CV proforma, all these schools are harder for me to get into than Columbia. Also, the Early or Transfer drop-downs don't change the chancing results one iota either. So I'm just saying take everything with a grain of salt. Your CV chancing might go up with a Tier IC activity, but if the school you are applying doesn't recognized Boys State as a major deal, then you can't do much about it.

So you will not know the impact of your ECs until you apply to that particular school. There are so many criteria on top schools score cards, that you will not really know what gets your admitted unless you matriculate into that school you admitted to and make a request with admissions to view your admission file after the fact.

Good luck.

3 years ago

YES, it definitely is, especially if you hold some sort of leadership in it and be part of something bigger within the organization. It is an extracurricular that not many partake in so having it on your college application can bring a boost to it.

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Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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