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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How should I submit test scores if I'm taking tests again?

I'm currently planning to apply to several colleges, and I want to send in my test scores for the SAT and ACT. I have already taken both, but I'm planning to take both of them again (I will be taking the SAT in August). After I submit an application, is there a way to change my scores if I do better? Should I just wait to apply until I've taken the tests?

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2 answers

3 years ago

In the Common or Coalition app, you are asked to self-report your highest ACT or SAT composite score prior as part of filling out the application and submitting it for Common App or to forward it to the colleges on your list.

Some colleges are 100% satisfied with the self-reporting of scores but if you are accepted, they wanted backup from College Board or of the actual test scores so they can corroborate your self-reported score.

So you do not send test scores first to the colleges, then apply to them. You apply to the colleges with a self-reported test score, and then order and pay for College Board or to send the official test score to the colleges on your list.

Also, when you apply to colleges through the Common or Coalition app or the UC app portal for UC schools, you don't do it 1 school at a time unless it's an early decision/action school. It's a bulk order process so if you have 10 Common App schools you apply to them all at once unless you are applying to some ED or EA schools. You would apply to your early-round schools first, then your regular-round schools second according to the application deadlines.

I recommend that you find out what all your ACT and SAT test scores are prior to applying anywhere because you may have to decide on a case-by-case basis which test should be submitted to a particular school or not at all. You have no idea of what your future scores will be so you should wait. Also be aware that some colleges do want the entire series of test results on your test scores so do your research up front so you know which colleges those are as well.

Most people have safety, target, and reach schools. So if their ACT or SAT scores are not quite solid enough for their top choice reach schools, they typically don't submit those but they submit them to their safety or target schools.

After you submit your portal Application to all your schools, you can't go back and edit what you do not wish the colleges to see nor can you add additional information or change out your essays or short answers. Therefore, do not submit your college applications unless they are complete.

Good luck.

3 years ago

Though every college has different policies, most will allow you to send them updated SAT scores after you have applied. You can do this through your College Board portal - I recommend rushing the score reports to ensure that schools receive them before they start reviewing applications between early November and December. You will not have to contact any admissions offices when you do this - once they receive your score, they will update your file as long as they have not made an admissions decision. For now, you can submit each application with your current SAT score. Hope this helps!

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