2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can my chances get higher if my senior year is really good

In my freshman year of highschool I got a 2.25 gpa then in my sophomore year I got a 0.62 and then in my junior year I got 1.15. I was wondering if I did the best like a 3.0 or higher my senior year would that better my chances of getting into college?

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4 answers

2 years ago

As a general rule, your chances will increase if you improve your academic performance during your senior year. However, your odds of admission to the majority of accredited colleges will still be low in this case, since your cumulative GPA would not meet most colleges' cutoffs (between 2.0-3.0).

You certainly can get into a good college though! After doing your best senior year, you will be eligible to enroll in your local community college. This will give you a chance to reset your GPA with a community college transcript. You can then transfer to a 4-year college to finish your studies. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

You currently have a GPA of 1.34 which is a D+. If you get a 3.0 during your senior year you will graduate with a 1.755 GPA which is a C-.

I don't know what your graduation requirements are for your high school but I assume that it's a combination of taking certain requirements and getting a passing grade.

You qualify to attend community college if you have a high school diploma. Aside from CC, I'm not sure if there are any 4-year colleges that accepts a 1.34 GPA. I'm sure there are but I'm not sure where they are located.

My best advice to you is if you are serious about getting into a 4-year college. If that is what you really want to do, I highly recommend that you stay in HS an extra year and retake all your core requirements where you didn't get good grades.

Also, I would recommend that you study for the ACT or SAT standardized tests because getting even an average score of 1050/1600 or 21/36 will boost your application tremendously.

If you can't do that, I recommend that you enter a 2 year community college and work hard to get at least a 3.0 GPA. With a 3.0 GPA, you will be able to apply as a transfer student to a better 4-year college.

I do not think having 1 semester of good grades out of 7 poor showings makes you a compelling applicant for any college and that is why I think it's best to either stay in HS or move on to community college.

Good luck.

2 years ago

Most applications are due before the end of your senior year so only your mid-term grades will be applicable, not the final grades. If you do have a genuine reason to explain the low GPA in the previous years and your senior year mid-term transcript shows significant improvement, your chances of getting into a good college will increase.

2 years ago

Most colleges have a 2.5 or maybe 2.0 mimimum GPA requirement (for the less competitive schools) to be accepted. To get your GPA up to that, according to your stats, you’d have to make almost a perfect 4.0 to raise your GPA enough.

I would say, really grind your hardest with your senior year classes, but if you can’t get it up there maybe consider taking community college classes as they have a lower GPA requirement than other schools.

Your best bet is to take a rigorous senior year schedule and show colleges that you have a upward trend by taking those classes + getting good grades. But that’s still a stretch though

Hope this helps

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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