2 years ago
Admissions Advice



@papinomoloko8 months ago

Hi, I recently discovered this website through a friend. It features a list of crypto influencers that can be sorted based on specific criteria. topcryptoinfluencers.co/

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

Do you have an economics teacher at your high school? If so, I would ask them about starting an investment club or something along the lines of that. I know University of Delaware (and probably many other universities) has an investment club that is funded by the school— basically they were given a certain amount of money by the school and they have been investing it to make it grow. I think they have more than tripled their original amount. Of course, it’s easier to do something like this if there is a supervisor who is already knowledgeable about investing, but with enough interest from students and a teacher who is willing to help and learn, you might be able to make a high school equivalent. If you don’t have an Econ teacher, a social studies or math teacher might be interested. Even though this doesn’t involve a competition or nationally recognized society, it could look impressive on your college resume that you founded a club. There are also internship opportunities at banks or investment firms, if you were looking for a summer internship that would help you gain skills related to economics. https://russellinvestments.com/us/careers/internships might be something, but I didn’t do too much research into it. A quick google search should help you find multiple opportunities of this sort. Hope this was helpful!

2 years ago

I heard that now it is best to invest in cryptocurrency. What is the best crypto trading platform for beginner? What is the best way to start working in this direction?

2 years ago

Hello ! I think you can open investing club in your school or start crypto project.

2 years ago

See, you should invest in stocks after you start earning. And there are many self-education websites like youtube where you can learn many things but, you must use your education to help others. For example, if you learned graphic designing only, it's not a good ECA. But you learned it and you worked with a few clients successfully, it will be a good ECA.

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Shashwata Mukherjee

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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