2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do you answer a career goals question?

One of the essay prompts for Embry-Riddle University asks about my career goals with a 250-word limit. This is different from all the essay prompts I have seen and am not sure how to approach this. Any thoughts?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

I would answer this question by writing out the milestones to advance in your career field.

To elaborate, talk about different things at Emery-Riddle that connects to your career field (clubs, classes, the overall community) and your plan after college by mentioning specific places you would like to work. Also discuss how you decided on the career that you're interested in. If you have someone who inspired you to pursue the career, I would write about that as well.

If you aren't sure what career you would want but you know your major, talk about general achievements you would like to accomplish. Obtaining a specific GPA, making someone important to you proud, an award you'd hope to win, graduating with a degree in your major, even being the top of your class.

2 years ago

I'll take this hard question and rephrase it as an (arguably) easier question to tackle. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 10? Genuinely think of this, when you imagine yourself in a "real job" what do you see? Are you going to slave away at a cubicle because it has the best pay. Or would you rather sacrifice some cash to do what you love?

I know it's a hard question, but remember this is one essay, it doesn't mean that's actually what you'll do. So I suggest if you're super indecisive like me, just pick a road you could go down that you know you could write about and that seems interesting! Good Luck!

2 years ago

Well, uh, what job do you want?

If you don't know that, that's ok. You could also describe how a couple jobs interest you.

Or you could even mention your hobbies and interests and say how you'd like a career with those.

Other things to think about: Do you want an office job? Do you want to travel a lot? Do you want a very important job? Do you want one that just makes you happy?

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