4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does membership to the National Society of High School Scholars look favorable on college resume?

My rising Junior had received invitation to join and I'm curious as to how helpful this would be to college admissions.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

This is widely regarded as a scam honors society and is the butt of many jokes on other college application threads and communities. It likely will not help you at all, even if there are some (albeit low/average) requirements to participate, because of the reputation of the society. Your child probably received the invitation due to test scores/GPA/etc and those things will speak for themselves on her application without NSHSS, which is not taken very seriously. Instead, I would encourage them to apply for their school's NHS (National Honor Society), if you have one, and work to qualify for honors such as AP Scholar awards, National Merit Awards (based on PSAT, which they can take this fall), and the College Board National Recognition Program (if applicable), which are based on more structured standards and demonstrate a more specific accomplishment. But I would steer clear of NSHSS, both because it's costly to participate and because it's not taken seriously.

4 years ago

It's not necessarily prestigious because the requirements are low if you're thinking of top schools. You also have to pay for membership and the only thing you could get out of it is a scholarship but nothing is guaranteed. Unless you have the money to comfortably spend on membership, I wouldn't. As a rule of thumb, it's best to avoid scholarships you have to pay for and since the requirements are low it's not necessarily impressive to colleges especially top schools.

4 years ago

The NSHSS is seen as a joke to some and the requirements to get in are very low. I would not list in a college admission. Also, I personally believe you should not have to pay for scholarships.

4 years ago[edited]


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