2 years ago
Admissions Advice

AP amount

Hello! I am a rising senior, and I am wondering if the amount of AP classes I took would be enough to be able to get into a good university such as UWisc, UMinnesota, or American. I only took 2 AP classes in sophomore year, AP Comp Sci A and AP US History, and I got 4s on each exam. I had planned to take more APs in junior year, however, due to COVID and having to be virtual for school in sophomore year, I decided not to do so, which I believe was a mistake. I plan on taking 5 APs in senior year, at least for the college credit, and I was also wondering what effect these classes being planned to take would have on admissions as well. Alongside the AP classes I took in sophomore year, I took a university course at my local public state university in sophomore year over the summer, and in junior year I took 4 more university courses. In senior year, I also plan to take 3 dual credit courses in my high school.

Additional info that might matter?: My unweighted GPA is 3.83, and my ACT score is 35 and an SAT of 1500.


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

The number of AP classes you should take depends on the selectiveness of the university your going to, the general rule of thumb is 5-7 APs for the more selective ones. More AP classes would be recommended if you're going with an Ivy League University or a University considered to be the same range as an Ivy. With the number of APs your talking (which looks like 7), plus your dual credit classes, GPA, and ACT/SAT score, you could probably get into a very competitive school, even more so if your extracurriculars are good too. American University is one of the more selective schools that I think you have a shot at if you also have good essays and good extracurriculars. I also think you have a decent shot at UWisc and UMinnessota and any of the other good universities.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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