I know that this website is for colleges and universities in the U.S., but I don't really know any other place to ask this, so I'm asking it here.
Recently, I have decided to apply for a few Korean universities (I'm Korean). The application dates are different from the U.S. Yesterday was the deadline for the teacher's recommendation letters, but my teacher did not submit it on time. He had promised to write it way back in May, and I kept in touch with him over the summer break, reminding him about it occasionally.
Basically, on July 7th, I emailed him about the recommendation letter, and he said that he's planning on doing it today, meaning July 7th. Since I kept on reminding him a couple of times the past few weeks, I didn't remind him any further (I was worried that I would annoy him). Also, he has submitted his teacher's recommendation letters for me on time (for colleges and universities that I have applied to since last year), so I guess I didn't think about reminding him again.
Then, a few hours ago, he sent an apology, telling me that he was so busy with moving house that he forgot to submit the teacher's recommendation letter. He is asking for forgiveness, but I asked him if he could call the administrators if possible. He has sent an email to them.
I don't know what to think of this situation. I know that some places do accept late teacher's recommendation letters, but I don't know if that's the case in Korea.
Thank you.
Just like in the US, Korean universities make decisions about accepting applicants who submit materials late on a case-by-case basis. There is certainly a chance that you will have no issues so long as your teacher submits his recommendation letter before admissions committees meet. Universities will understand that this situation is not your fault either. Your teacher did the right thing by emailing administrators.
Application deadlines are also not as hard as they appear - they are often set well before admissions committees meet so that they can still have time to accept a few applications that come in later. However, no organization can openly say that they accept late applications, since this would encourage too many people to submit at the last minute.
Hope this helps!
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Yes, that makes sense. However, apparently, the teacher recommendation letter site or portal (whatever you call them) closes after the deadline, so my teacher can't really submit it yet until the administrators give their replies.