2 years ago
Admissions Advice

What extracurriculars can I do over the summer that are meaningful?

Hey, im a rising senior who is mostly free over the summer! I was wondering what meaningful extracurricular activities I could do over the summer to improve college applications. Are there still any internships/summer programs open to apply to? Should I do online courses?

I am looking to mostly go into the STEM field. Thanks for your help!

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I am in a similar situation as well. I've been preparing for the next year by finalizing my college list, searching for scholarships, and drafting out some of my essays. Additionally, I've been doing some community service and reading a lot of books and watching videos (relating to my major and also some fun ones). You could try to apply for a summer job or internship or take classes but because it is the middle of summer it might be a little difficult to get a job or have enough time to take a class (but you still could teach yourself a skill). Most importantly, enjoy your summer because once school starts you won't have much free time.

TLDR: Prep for college apps, volunteer, learn a new skill. Classes and internships/jobs could be difficult as it is the middle of summer and there is not a ton of time left.

2 years ago

Honestly I may not know to much as I am only an upcoming junior, but I would definitely advise doing community service in your free time, not only to help the community but it can also help you find more scholarships that apply to each hour you work! :)

2 years ago

I would recommend some form of community service, colleges want to see that you care about others, so try a church, or a food pantry, or even an animal shelter, record your hours and put them in your application.

2 years ago[edited]

I recommend applying to any of these STEM internships and remote internships that you are eligible for. Besides these opportunities, look into doing extracurriculars at home too. Try to focus on activities related to your particular interest in STEM.

If you can't find extracurriculars to do, I would recommend studying for the SAT/ACT and getting a head start on your college apps over taking online courses. Hope this helps!

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