2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can this be counted as an extracurricular?

My friend and I created a small org, and we provide free graphic design services to other organizations and initiatives. We have hired about 10 people so far, those on marketing teams and graphic design teams, etc. We run mostly on discord, and talk to each other on there and our first few clients are also communicating on discord with us. However, we also have a website and an Instagram , which were still working on getting it started up. We did not file for any sort of non profit status, so we aren’t necessarily “verified”. However if we get bigger and gain more followers and clients, would it be considered a passion project? Or would I have to ditch it because it’s not an official organization? We might file for the tax stuff in the future if it does get big, but definitely not at the moment

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@haleyhobson2 years ago

I think it could be counted as an extracurricular for now. It shows that you also take initiative in something that is new and unique which is something that colleges love.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@amber.l2 years ago

Could you elaborate on “for now?” Can there be circumstances that can occur in the new future that can take this title of ec away?

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

It does depend from uni to uni but I think it definitely counts as an extracurricular. It might not be a factor for admission depending on the university but it is definitely something you should mention

2 years ago


This is most certainly an extracurricular - a good one as well. It demonstrates leadership, management, and outreach skills (all of which are helpful in college but also in a real job setting). While it may look even better if you grew it and established it as a formal organization, you are also a high schooler, so this isn’t exactly expected (still, it would be a good goal to have).

One tip I have for you is to include solid numbers in your college application for this activity. In the common app, you can write a summary for each extracurricular you list. So, for this organization, you should use solid numbers. These could be like: how many companies you’ve worked for, how many graphic designs you have made, how many employees you have, etc. Just some solid numbers to give the college a general sense of how “successful” your organization is (it could be successful in other ways, but since you have limited space to describe it, id focus primarily on the numbers).

So, in short, this is still considered a passion project even without the formal taxation and other registration papers. Focus your time on growing it even further and you could potentially have a tier-one extracurricular on your hands.

Hope this helped! Good luck :)

2 years ago

Yes, you DEFINITELY should! That is a fantastic thing you’ve done, and including it will definitely show your initiative to start something new and your ability to thrive despite the struggles!

I hope you have the best of luck! My cats and I are rooting for you <3

2 years ago

Yes, of course that is an EC! It sounds like you guys are doing great work. Whatever you have accomplished by the time you submit your applications, just be honest are write about that.

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