11th grade Brownsburg High School, Indiana
There's no such requirement. The amount of time spent on extracurricular activities is much more important than the number of extracurricular activities. For example, spending 7 hour a week on 2 activities is more impactful than spending 30 min each on 14 activities. The latter just shows desperation to put numbers on resume whereas the former shows dedication.
There is no minimum amount of extracurricular activities required. However, for the CommonApp (the website where you submit most college applications), you usually list a maximum of 10 extracurriculars.
There is no needed amount of extra curricular activities, but having them will make you stand out against other applicants. Having actual experience or showing interest about the field that you want to go into will higher your chances of getting accepted.
Most colleges don't have a mandatory minimum amount of extracurriculars required however granted that acceptance rates on average are determined on overall rounded scores including extracurriculars, so to maximize acceptance and admission percentages it is best to show maximum effort in extracurriculars and keep it balanced alongside academics.
Hope this Helps.
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