2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Tips for reaching out to NCAA recruiters?

Hey! I'm thinking about reaching out to the NCAA recruiters for a sport that's not very common. Because I'm decently ranked (top 20~25 in the US in my age category), I think I'll have a chance, but I'm definitely very lost when it comes to the process of recruitment. About what year and what semester do you reach out to the recruiters? What does the recruitment timeline look like? How do you find their contact information, and what documents do you need to provide other than transcripts, if any? How do interviews work, and where and when would an ideal interview take place? I know I asked a lot of questions, so just answer with what you know. Thank you guys so much!! :)


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2 years ago[edited]

This blog post has the answers to most of your questions, except for these three which I have answered:

1. What does the recruitment timeline look like? - You should start the process as soon as you have reached a high rank in your sport - even freshman year is not too early. This is because you want to give coaches plenty of time to get to know you as an athlete and person. The formal recruiting process begins your junior year, which is when coaches are allowed to make recruitment offers to students.

2. How do you find their contact information, and what documents do you need to provide other than transcripts, if any? - You can find coach contact info on college websites. For example, here's what Clemson's coach directory looks like. You will need to provide transcripts and letters of recommendation, just like other college applicants. You may need to provide medical information as well.

3. How do interviews work, and where and when would an ideal interview take place? - Interviews happen at the beginning of the recruitment process. They are a straightforward way for coaches to get to know you after you've reached out to them or they've reached out to you. This "getting to know you phase" will continue for potentially years after the interview.

Hope this helps!

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