2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I study in the USA after my 10th in India

I am in 9th grade right now and I want to attempt Pre SATs so I can get some practice. I've heard that the 11th and 12th standard in the US is tough so I'm doubting if it is right for me

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7 answers

10 months ago

Schools in the United States may have their own rules for accepting international students and academic requirements. You should contact the schools you are interested in directly for detailed information on entry rules mapquest directions and academic requirements.

10 months ago

I'm in 10th grade right now I have heard about collegevine I want to study in USA for my better future I hope it's better for me to compete the rest study in America

a year ago

I think it's a great idea to study in the USA. And with sufficient desire and level of education, you will succeed.

2 years ago

I'd say that the answer depends on your goals after high school. If you have a strong desire to attend an American university and work in the country afterwards, then studying in the US after 10th grade will be best step you can take to reach your goal. You will find American high school to be easier than the Indian system and arguably more fun, which is another benefit. If you are only interested in top American schools and have a plan to work long-term in India after graduation, then staying in India will give you more flexibility. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

You can study in the USA for your 11th and 12th grades if you have the proper documentation and get accepted into an accredited school like a Private boarding school. You can't just show up in an American city and register into a public high school unless your parents have relocated to the US for work and have a valid work VISA.

If your parents have the financial means to do that, I highly recommend it because it will better prepare you for the American college applications versus trying to be a competitive candidate from India.

Good luck

2 years ago

From my experience, 11th and 12th in India is tougher at least for Math and Science. In India, you are taught organic chemistry in 11th and 12th, but in USA, it is a 2nd year college course. The advantage of studying in India is a more rigorous curriculum which will prepare you to handle college coursework.

Studying in USA after 10th gives you a lot of freedom to choose what courses you want to take as compared to India. In USA, most high schools provide a range of AP courses while in India there are very few(about one school per state as far as I know) that offer AP courses. APs will be helpful in earning college credits. Although you can take AP exams without taking AP courses, it is much more expensive in India.($95 in USA per AP exam and Rs 18000 per AP exam in India).

Each education system has its pros and cons but in terms of difficulty, the US system is easier.

Hope this information helps you take the best choice.

2 years ago

Hello Akshi! I have studied in India for quite some time and I have also studied in America for 4 years. The one thing I can tell you from my experience is that studying in the US is much easier than in India. The actual question is whether or not you are a bright student already. If you are a bright student and are able to handle the workload in India, you will thrive here in America. There is far less homework here and there I almost no need for tutoring (tuition classes). Also, SAT is a much easier exam than the board exam in 12th India. You get a lot of free time here in the US to do other extracurricular activities!

Hope this answer helps!

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