Hi. I’m a upcoming senior. Like many people I had a very tough time when Covid hit and this ended up affecting my grades. I did ok my freshman year, but my sophomore wasn’t that good, I did good my junior year with a 3.6 for the semesters. However my overall gpa is 3.2. Do I still have a chance of getting in with my extra curricular cause I have a lot of leadership ones and I was on a varsity sports team? And does my improvement mean something? Or should I not bother applying at all?
If you look at the 2021-2022 common data set for the University of Michigan Ann Arbor campus, you can see under section C11 what the GPA distribution for admits was.
33.4% had GPAS of 4.0
54.6% had GPAs of 3.75-3.99
10% had GPAs of 3.50-3.74
1.1% had GPAs of 3.25-3.49
and 0.5% had GPAs between 3.00-3.24
Currently, I don't think it would be a good use of your time to apply to UMich Ann Arbor because 99.1% of admits have higher GPAs than 3.25. Unless you are a recruited athlete that will start on a UMich D1 College team, I don't think they would give you a pass on your GPA.
I would focus on other colleges where you have at least a 10-20% of getting in with your GPA. For example Michigan State. https://opb.msu.edu/functions/institution/documents/CDS-2021-2022.pdf
At Michigan State, about 15.6% have a GPA between 3.25-3.49, and 8.2% have a GPA between 3.0 and 3.24.
Good luck.
I feel if you do have good ECs, great profile, good quality essay and a high SAT score, then you have a chance of getting in. However, do apply to other safety universities as well.
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Omg did you get in????!