2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Questions about UC GPA System

Hi! I plan to apply to several UC schools as a film/photography major and I have some questions about their GPA systems. I know that they don't totally look at freshman grades, but is that still a contributing factor? I calculated my UC Gpa and it was a 3.94 unweighted and a 4.56 weighted. My actual gpa is probably a 3.6-3.7 due to getting all B's in freshman year cause of covid, but i've gotten all A's except 2 in math and psychology. I'm in IB and I took one more IB class than is regular, I took 2 APs (I didn't take more because I switched schools sophomore year to a school that had AP and honors), and I'm an out of state resident.

Do competitive UC schools like Berkeley and UCLA look at the UC Gpa, or regular gpa? Do I have a shot at getting in? My extracurriculars are pretty solid, I'm just worried about my numbers. Thanks :)

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@ramoss.adriana2 years ago

I'm pretty sure all UC schools follow the same criteria when looking at applications. So, when they're looking at your GPA, they're going to see your weighted classes from 10-11th grade and take those into consideration. They will still look at your freshman grades but it's not their main focus since freshman year is still kind of considered a transitioning period unless you have grades that are like Ds and Fs, then they may need an explanation for those grades.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@julielol2 years ago

Thank you! Do they only look at 10-11 grades? Through 10-11 I only got 2 B grades, one in math, and one in ap psych, but both of those B's were for one semester, the rest of the year I got A's. I'm still confused on whether they take more weight in your actual 4 year GPA or just the one they calculate

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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