I gave my AS level (11th grade) and got A, B, C, C, marks. I am afraid that this would decrease my chances of getting into a good college. I have two options. Either to re-take my exams, increase my GPA, whose results would come in January and I would have to apply late to the colleges. Second option is, just to focus on my SAT exam, and score good. Does a good SAT score compensate for low GPA. What do I do?
A good SAT score might compensate for low GPA for your safeties but certainly won't at targets and reaches.
If the low GPA was a result of difficult circumstances, you can explain the reason though your application essays. If there's no good reason, and if you and your parents are ready for a delay in applications, go ahead with retaking the exams.
While applying, you will have or will be about to receive your midterm grades for 12th grade. If they show an improvement, it will have a positive impact on your application, so study really well your senior year(12th).
Hope this helps.
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When can I apply after my senior year. Do college s still accept applications this late